Saturday, December 31, 2011

Love Never Dies

  • Mood: Yearning
  • Listening to: Til I hear you sing
  • Reading: Passion by Lauren Kate READ IT!!!!!
  • Watching: Phantom/Love Never Dies Videos
  • Playing: Nothing
  • Eating: a foot long Candy Cane :D
  • Drinking: Water
Anyone who knows me knows I'm absolutely positively OBSESSED with Phantom of the Opera. I'm the biggest fan ever. I have the movie, the soundtrack (Cd's and tapes), I've got stuff from the movie, I've got all the fan gear, I've read victor Hugo's book, the knock off books from it, every single version of the movie (no joke like I've seen 6 or more movie versions of it), and I SAW IT ON STAGE IN VEGAS. I'm so obsessed it hurts. I love it so very much.
One of my dreams is to be in it on Broadway. I know every line every word every sound of it. I can sing all the high notes perfectly and its touches my soul deeply.

Well.... A couple years ago Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber the genius man who wrote the play wrote a sequel to it. Its called Love Never Dies. Right now its only playing in London and in Australia.... They are hoping to make a movie of it and I hope they do. That is another goal in my life is to see Love Never Dies on stage in London England.

For those of you who do not know what Phantom of the Opera is. Shame on you!!!!!
Its about a lonely man/ghost who is deformed and hiding in the Opera house. He's very lonely until he meets a young girl named Christine who comes to live in the Opera house dormitories to become a dancer because her father a famous violinist dies. He watches her grow up and becomes her music teacher. (He hypnotizes her into thinking he's the "Angel of Music" her father sent from heaven) Then her childhood sweetheart Raoul who is a very rich patron and she forgets all about the Phantom and all the time they've had together. The Phantom gets angry and swears revenge on them both.  ~Spoiler!~ She gets kidnapped and she escapes with Raoul.

Love Never Dies is about how Christine and Raoul get married and have a son. When he is 10 years old the Phantom runs into them all in New York while he is hiding from the police (from a crime committed in Phantom) and he falls in love with Christine again.

These both have truly splendid songs that speak to my heart

Right now I am listening to "Til I hear you sing" From Love Never Dies

Hopefully I'll get my dreams to come true but I doubt they are possible at the time being ^^'

Thanks for reading my rant  :D

T-I- Double F- ANY (Like Tigger)

Monday, December 12, 2011

My Philosophy :)

I don't know what my philosophy is. It could be  many things like,
 Live as if you'll die tomorrow,
Man cannot live by bread alone, 
Smile when your down it'll pick you up,
 Mind over matter,
Smile as if you don't care dance as if nobody is watching sing as if no one can hear and live as if God is watching,
or Yesterday is History Today is a Mystery Tomorrow is a Gift that's why they call it the present,
 Life’s not the breaths you take is the moments that take your breath away, etc.
….But my Philosophy is unknown. I might know someday when I'm old and gray lying on my death bed my last words will be my philosophy. Because only then will I know its true.. It could have something to do with love I'm not sure because I'm not old and wrinkly yet. Whenever I think of the word Philosophy I think of a song I had to sing in the play “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” Sally sings about her Philosophy’s and says “Some take a lifetime, Mine take a minute!” Mine don’t take a minute. Mine take a while to figure out. But I know what my Motto is at least. My Motto is “Don’t try, Succeed.” I tell that to everyone I meet. I believe that if you try hard enough you will succeed. You can do anything if you put effort into it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My first Random rant

RANT~! Hi to the 1 person that reads my blog :) Its me. Tiffany. This is my creative writing blog but I'm going to try to make it like my other blog (Tleelove on Deviantart). So Where to begin........ Hmm... Well I'm an irregular girl. I have the most random crazy friends on the planet. We only talk about the most randomest things we can think of and anime (namely Hetaila). We live in a small town near Salt Lake City Utah.
Utah. Jeesh. Its an extremely beautiful place but I'm freezing my butt off living here >.<' Someday I'll be able to leave here. Probably about 3 years or so... I cannot wait. I'm a very morbid dark person and I don't like living in the cold white snow and then suddenly being in the blazing heat of the summer. Anyone who knows me I love to rant. I rant all the freaking time.  Hehe Rant.... :P I also use alot of emotions when I talk such as the ones you've already seen.
:$ Embarrased
:) smilely
:D Super happy
>w< Fan girling face
>.<' annoyed
xD Laughing
x3 Excited
>D evil grin
>| Mad at you
:*( crying
:( depressed
D: Shocked
;) Flirty Smile
^^ ^.^ ^w^ Tiffany is Happy
Plus morez!
So I just finished NaNoWriMo in this Creative Writing class. I wrote an entire novel! :D I'm very proud of myself! I love my book too! Someday I will get it published (hopefully) I would tell you what its about but it's a secret ;)  But I can tell you its gonna be big. I wanna go to the movies at this moment. But I can't I'm at school I don't wanna be here. I'm depressed. Really depressed. I'm not going to say why but I am. Its killing me inside even though I never show it. I wish I could disappear. Maybe I will at lunch......

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diversity: Don't matter if your African American or Caucation

"Is that him?!" My brothers would scream every time a black person would walk into the Merino Valley Mall in Riverside California. "No. So shut up." I said while I slapped them and worriedly looked around for him. What if I didn't recognize him? I'd only seen him in bad quality pictures. I've talked to him enough on the phone I might recognize his sexy voice if I heard it... "That MUST be him." Andy announced. "No..." I said. I looked around at the surroundings. There was a giant very blue hippie van, a video game store, eight resteraunts and alot of people. Some where families and others were just there on their lunch break. Derrick and I had been going out for 9 months and this was our first meeting. Thats the problem with living 3,000 miles away from each other. People of all shapes and sizes were coming in slowly one by one. I was so nervous I couldn't eat the mall food. "Eat." my mom snapped at me. So I shoved a huge bite of rice in my mouth and went back to staring back at the door. Derrick. Where ARE you?.... When I was sitting at the table I realized we were one of five white families. I could tell my family was uncomfortable. I was too kind of. Then a guy walked in. He was amazing. I couldn't breathe and I knew instantly that it was Derrick. He and his mother were standing at the door. I walked towards him and all my familyi followed on my heels. My mom walked in front of me and said "Are you Derrick?" He's really shy so he just nodded and smiled. My heart freaked out. "Hey Derrick!" I said as a stared into the face of the guy I'd given my whole heart to. The whole rest of the world disappeared as my mom said "Well ok we're going to go meet his mom you two just stay here and chat." We made eye contact and I couldn't believe it was actually MY Derrick I was staring at. "Can I hug you?" I asked him "Umm.... Sure!" So I hugged him. "But my mom is looking at us." he finished his sentance a little too late. "Oh! Sorry!" I said as I quickly released him. "Its fine." He replied as he stared back at me. "Lets run away from my parents and my siblings so we can actually talk to each other with out lots of eyes stareing at us." I said to him. So we ran away together. It was magical. We talked and laughed and held hands. But everywhere we went we got strange looks from all races. And it got uncomfortable. But we didn't care we were together. And because we didn't let it bother us, we had a fantastic day!! It shows that love doesn't have a race, because its the most amazing thing on the planet.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ghost Adventures >:D

Creeping, moving fast for me but slow for others, I'm like a bolt of lighting all  you see is the flash then your dead. I'm a ghost. I can do this. I try to help but mostly I just watch. I'm the type of ghost you can see if you want to see but if you don't want to you can't. Nobody wants to so I'm just here. Unseen by all. I can be very protective I'll watch over whom I love and I'm like a guardian angel, but when I want to stop and help the poor soul... Its hopeless. But the land of the living is still my play place. I can mess with  people as much or as little as I want. There was a family they moved into my house and I wasn't too happy. I would follow the father around but he didn't notice so I would pull his hair or change the tv channel but he was impassive  one day I even picked up his bed and threw it out the window. His wife didn't think this was funny so she had one of those fake exorcists come and spray holy water on me. Ha! didn't work so I haunted her. I would knock over things open cubbord doors and slam doors. But she didn't notice until one day, her only child a daughter walked right up to me and said "Hey lady? Will you play with me?" and I made a new friend. The little girls name was Sabrina, she was five years old and she was the cutest little thing ever! I loved her. We'd play dollys and swing on the swings she even let me jump on a tramp with her. Things were going great. Then her mother became pregnant. Another little girl. This made Sabrina excited at first but then it turned as sour as a lemon. Her Mother and Father got less and less interested in her day by day to the point where I would cook her dinner and help her get dressed because everyone else was busy. Then that fateful day snatched her away from me. We were playing ball in the front yard. I saw it coming. There was nothing I could do but scream "No!" as the car hit her going 30 miles per hour. Now she's my partner in crime as ghosts together we'll haunt forever

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I want to write about.

"All we are is dust in the wind." We live for only a brief time. Sometimes we live for along time other times its dractically cut short. One bad day, someone pushing someone else, stealing someones boyfriend, being an affair, lots of things can be a motive to kill. I have even watched an episode of CSI when a serial killer murdered thirty women because he had a foot feddish. You never know how insane someone truely is or what they think about or even how close to the edge of their breaking point they are at when you come along to bug them. Why does man think that if he has motive its ok to kill? If you get bugged to this point don't you want to just get rid of them? Make them stop annoying you? It could be that you just can't handle life anymore so  you can take your own. You think its ok but its not. If you think about your friends and family that will be emotionally and physically harmed, and that tiny fact that we are all living on borrowed time, and that even if you think your worthless and nobody would even notice. You have no idea. Technically we are all just "dust in the wind" blowing and changing. One day here the next day gone. People die every 3 seconds. But then again someone else is born every 11. I sit this reason that you want to live life to the fullest? If its not then it should be. I don't let one moment pass me by. I want to bask in the glory of the moment even if its a really bad one. You never know if it could be your last one.... >:)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Moon go away, I don't love you no more"

Trying is Tough
If you don't try you wont get a ripe bananna
Trying tastes like the bitter sweet story of succes that feels warm in your heart and smells like you won, you Can mentarlly hear a crowd cheering you on, and you can see them in the stands yelling and spiting as their Wide mouths gape open.
The air will smell of music.
Traisha Potter of wonderland tried and in trying she won.
The ripe bananna's are old and aren't ripe but black because of the age they are which nobody knows.
But when you fail, you feel like your the worst thing on the planet....
You feel jacked  up and screwed around with.
You tried because you wanted a bandersnatch
The victory will be sweet as sour gummy bears.
When Traisha tried and won she rearanged the stars above.
and Fanny just stood by and was amazed.
So when you try and you succeed thank the one you hold dear to your heart,
and let even the dark stars burn with a fadeing glow.
So try and your going to fail but then you might or might not succeed.
Versuchen Sie nicht, Succeed.
Even the lamp will smile with pride.
And even in the cold nights that chill you to the bone you'll still feel the crisp warm feeling of VICTORY.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Loss of Parents as trees

Life is like a surprize you never now when it will end so you can never actually say goodbye.
Lillys last words to her parents were "I'm sure I'll be fine so stop prying!" and a week later her parents were crying over her casket like weeping willow trees with long branches that dangle and seem to reach out and grab you when you walk under them.
 Mike the crazy dare devil whos friends and parents tried to stop him from makeing the best jump ever then watching in horror as he jumped from the plane and his paracute wouldn't open. His parents were like dead trees no leaves no feelings and just there.
Maren, who's disease comsumed her and her parents loved and supported her every step of the way until the day she died the parents of she were like infected trees they thought it was tragic and they left a piece of her poision with them.
Ethan who was shot in a dark ally way for trying to save the money for his girlfriends engagement ring. His parents were lost and couldn't be found anywhere they had disappeared like the trees in the land of narnia.
All of these parents loved their children as any parents would. And all of the children all died at the age of 21 they will always be the children of trees.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What movie would you like to see made?

What movie would I like to see hit the theaters? FABLEHAVEN! Those books were so good and I became addicted to them. My best friends backyard would be perfect for it. She has a ton of dragonflies and its like a forest just like the book. I want to see some of the mosters made real too because I want to see if they are anything like I pictured the they would be.

What's your favorite card game?

My favorite card game is Freecell. I am so addicted to freecell I had to get a portable one. For me its just amazing and it makes my mind work to solve it. I play alot of the other card games too like Speed, Poker, Hearts, and Spider Solitare. But nothing compares in my book to freecell. I went on vacation to California during the first week of Augest and in the hotel all I would do is sit on my dad's laptop in the 115 degree heat and play freecell.

What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is black. It suits me. I love the darkness. It makes me feel so safe and I can't sleep at night unless its pitch black. I was talking to my Aunt Michelle once and she told me that "Black means Elegance, so no matter what other people think of your favorite color it will mean elegance to you and I." Other people think it means mystery or think of evil. But I think of soft, and comforting like a warm blanket after a cold rainy day, or  how the Phantom (in my favorite musical/play/movie Phantom of the Opera) sings the song "Music of the Night" in that song he talks about how "darkness wakes and stirs imagination, it heightens each sensation" and I know that is true for me and that's why I love the color Black.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Where I'm From

I am from Mouse. From DELL.
I am from meek, small, silent, soft to the touch.
I am from Chrisanthemums the gorgous
I am from Christmas Nights, and California vacations, from Dixie and Keaton and Rose.
I am from the Anger  Management and loveless.
From "Remember who you are and what you stand for" and the "If you chance to meet a frown.." song.
I am from Mormonism and Proud to be.
I am from Logan, Germany, England, and Pioneers, from cookies and crab cassorole.
From the time we went to Yellowstone and my brother made a new friend in me, the mountain air, and the wonderful scenery I'll dream of till I die.
I am from YellowStone, California, Disneyland, and a place where I have grown to know everyone by name and a place where I can be free.