Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diversity: Don't matter if your African American or Caucation

"Is that him?!" My brothers would scream every time a black person would walk into the Merino Valley Mall in Riverside California. "No. So shut up." I said while I slapped them and worriedly looked around for him. What if I didn't recognize him? I'd only seen him in bad quality pictures. I've talked to him enough on the phone I might recognize his sexy voice if I heard it... "That MUST be him." Andy announced. "No..." I said. I looked around at the surroundings. There was a giant very blue hippie van, a video game store, eight resteraunts and alot of people. Some where families and others were just there on their lunch break. Derrick and I had been going out for 9 months and this was our first meeting. Thats the problem with living 3,000 miles away from each other. People of all shapes and sizes were coming in slowly one by one. I was so nervous I couldn't eat the mall food. "Eat." my mom snapped at me. So I shoved a huge bite of rice in my mouth and went back to staring back at the door. Derrick. Where ARE you?.... When I was sitting at the table I realized we were one of five white families. I could tell my family was uncomfortable. I was too kind of. Then a guy walked in. He was amazing. I couldn't breathe and I knew instantly that it was Derrick. He and his mother were standing at the door. I walked towards him and all my familyi followed on my heels. My mom walked in front of me and said "Are you Derrick?" He's really shy so he just nodded and smiled. My heart freaked out. "Hey Derrick!" I said as a stared into the face of the guy I'd given my whole heart to. The whole rest of the world disappeared as my mom said "Well ok we're going to go meet his mom you two just stay here and chat." We made eye contact and I couldn't believe it was actually MY Derrick I was staring at. "Can I hug you?" I asked him "Umm.... Sure!" So I hugged him. "But my mom is looking at us." he finished his sentance a little too late. "Oh! Sorry!" I said as I quickly released him. "Its fine." He replied as he stared back at me. "Lets run away from my parents and my siblings so we can actually talk to each other with out lots of eyes stareing at us." I said to him. So we ran away together. It was magical. We talked and laughed and held hands. But everywhere we went we got strange looks from all races. And it got uncomfortable. But we didn't care we were together. And because we didn't let it bother us, we had a fantastic day!! It shows that love doesn't have a race, because its the most amazing thing on the planet.

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