Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I want to write about.

"All we are is dust in the wind." We live for only a brief time. Sometimes we live for along time other times its dractically cut short. One bad day, someone pushing someone else, stealing someones boyfriend, being an affair, lots of things can be a motive to kill. I have even watched an episode of CSI when a serial killer murdered thirty women because he had a foot feddish. You never know how insane someone truely is or what they think about or even how close to the edge of their breaking point they are at when you come along to bug them. Why does man think that if he has motive its ok to kill? If you get bugged to this point don't you want to just get rid of them? Make them stop annoying you? It could be that you just can't handle life anymore so  you can take your own. You think its ok but its not. If you think about your friends and family that will be emotionally and physically harmed, and that tiny fact that we are all living on borrowed time, and that even if you think your worthless and nobody would even notice. You have no idea. Technically we are all just "dust in the wind" blowing and changing. One day here the next day gone. People die every 3 seconds. But then again someone else is born every 11. I sit this reason that you want to live life to the fullest? If its not then it should be. I don't let one moment pass me by. I want to bask in the glory of the moment even if its a really bad one. You never know if it could be your last one.... >:)

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