Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ghost Adventures >:D

Creeping, moving fast for me but slow for others, I'm like a bolt of lighting all  you see is the flash then your dead. I'm a ghost. I can do this. I try to help but mostly I just watch. I'm the type of ghost you can see if you want to see but if you don't want to you can't. Nobody wants to so I'm just here. Unseen by all. I can be very protective I'll watch over whom I love and I'm like a guardian angel, but when I want to stop and help the poor soul... Its hopeless. But the land of the living is still my play place. I can mess with  people as much or as little as I want. There was a family they moved into my house and I wasn't too happy. I would follow the father around but he didn't notice so I would pull his hair or change the tv channel but he was impassive  one day I even picked up his bed and threw it out the window. His wife didn't think this was funny so she had one of those fake exorcists come and spray holy water on me. Ha! didn't work so I haunted her. I would knock over things open cubbord doors and slam doors. But she didn't notice until one day, her only child a daughter walked right up to me and said "Hey lady? Will you play with me?" and I made a new friend. The little girls name was Sabrina, she was five years old and she was the cutest little thing ever! I loved her. We'd play dollys and swing on the swings she even let me jump on a tramp with her. Things were going great. Then her mother became pregnant. Another little girl. This made Sabrina excited at first but then it turned as sour as a lemon. Her Mother and Father got less and less interested in her day by day to the point where I would cook her dinner and help her get dressed because everyone else was busy. Then that fateful day snatched her away from me. We were playing ball in the front yard. I saw it coming. There was nothing I could do but scream "No!" as the car hit her going 30 miles per hour. Now she's my partner in crime as ghosts together we'll haunt forever

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