Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Moon go away, I don't love you no more"

Trying is Tough
If you don't try you wont get a ripe bananna
Trying tastes like the bitter sweet story of succes that feels warm in your heart and smells like you won, you Can mentarlly hear a crowd cheering you on, and you can see them in the stands yelling and spiting as their Wide mouths gape open.
The air will smell of music.
Traisha Potter of wonderland tried and in trying she won.
The ripe bananna's are old and aren't ripe but black because of the age they are which nobody knows.
But when you fail, you feel like your the worst thing on the planet....
You feel jacked  up and screwed around with.
You tried because you wanted a bandersnatch
The victory will be sweet as sour gummy bears.
When Traisha tried and won she rearanged the stars above.
and Fanny just stood by and was amazed.
So when you try and you succeed thank the one you hold dear to your heart,
and let even the dark stars burn with a fadeing glow.
So try and your going to fail but then you might or might not succeed.
Versuchen Sie nicht, Succeed.
Even the lamp will smile with pride.
And even in the cold nights that chill you to the bone you'll still feel the crisp warm feeling of VICTORY.

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