Monday, December 12, 2011

My Philosophy :)

I don't know what my philosophy is. It could be  many things like,
 Live as if you'll die tomorrow,
Man cannot live by bread alone, 
Smile when your down it'll pick you up,
 Mind over matter,
Smile as if you don't care dance as if nobody is watching sing as if no one can hear and live as if God is watching,
or Yesterday is History Today is a Mystery Tomorrow is a Gift that's why they call it the present,
 Life’s not the breaths you take is the moments that take your breath away, etc.
….But my Philosophy is unknown. I might know someday when I'm old and gray lying on my death bed my last words will be my philosophy. Because only then will I know its true.. It could have something to do with love I'm not sure because I'm not old and wrinkly yet. Whenever I think of the word Philosophy I think of a song I had to sing in the play “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” Sally sings about her Philosophy’s and says “Some take a lifetime, Mine take a minute!” Mine don’t take a minute. Mine take a while to figure out. But I know what my Motto is at least. My Motto is “Don’t try, Succeed.” I tell that to everyone I meet. I believe that if you try hard enough you will succeed. You can do anything if you put effort into it.

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