Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You're Stuck

You’re Stuck

By Tiffany Gephart


It starts out with a girl.

A lone girl minding her own business.

Not a single care in the world.

She hides behind her timid nature making you wonder what she is afraid of.


She slowly stands up from her lone place on the bank of a river.

Her long blonde hair flowing down to her waist her long white dress billows in the wind.

She tilts her head up to see the threatening clouds above a quick flash of lightning sends her body ridged.


She lets out a silent scream in the darkness.

Her eyes wide and all white.

No pupils.

She turns her head quickly to the left to stare at you.


Her eyes are no longer pure but now the color of death as she steps towards you.

You can see the threat in her body language.

Everything in your mind tells you to run but you are glued to the cold dirt ground.


She grows not in size but in your mind she is now ten feet tall.

She gets closer her hair grows longer and she bows her head down towards her chest.

The frame of this girl shudders and fur grows all over her body.

She twitches again, and suddenly there is a killer bear in front of you.

Taunting you dancing around you and teasing you to run, but you can’t you’re stuck.


The bear looks at you with the eyes of pure terror.

Run puny thing you can’t escape from me.  The beast says to your mind.

But you just look at it defiantly as if to say “Come get me.

You still can’t move as you feel the teeth bite into your flesh slowly taking you over as you submit to the torture.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Moon go away I don't love you no more

Fire can give me wings courage, compassion, and devotion.


Love is as frightening as death.

It chills me to the bones.

It makes your heart feel warm but when its gone it leaves you as cold as the last breath leaving your body.

The death feels like a sigh of the ear and the taste of the loss is bitter and salty.

Love like the love from Derrick Eli from Riverside, California. He made my love grow cold and made my heart whither.

The Loss tastes sweet.

Like candy that has been left in your car for months.

The flames danced around my soul sending me rising higher than the smoke.

It was totally awesome, watching the reds, yellows, oranges, browns, the embers of the remaining sins because fire makes you clean.

“Fire can give me wings courage, compassion, and devotion. Fire is obstinate and heady and absolutely not subtle. It is seen as the force burning inside us, the passion to do it with all of ourselves, resulting in the honor and freedom to do it without back stabbing and with an open face.”

The wonderful  ceiling of lust.

Love is as joyful as the plague.

Derrick sucked the soul out.

Tiffy Bear could not survive.

Tomorrow the seplecure will shatter to pieces freeing the spirit trapped inside.

The army of barbies and headless army men.

The spirit will explode with a  loud ringing of plants.

Eir macht ein an.

Even the sky mourns this loss.

Love is frightening as death for the winter holds no love for those who have none to give.




Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rant on Girls

Okay so I really just want to rant about girls.
So I am a girl (if you can't already tell) and I love girls, but sometimes we can be so freaking stupid.
Here are some rules girls and guys can follow them too

  1. Don't post on your boyfriends facebook page every single stinkin' day. Its annoying for everyone else to see your PDA. I don't want to log in and see "Happy Afternoon Boo!! I haven't talked to you in like 4 minutes and I wanted to just say I loooove youuu and I can't wait to see you in a couple minutes blah blah blah" and then get on an hour later "Oh i'm with my baby I love him so much I can't stand life without him and I need him so bad...." GET OVER IT! Tell him you love him IN PRIVATE. I'm sick of gagging about you.
  2. Next thing STOP USING THE WORDS "I LOVE YOU" every single minute. There is a reason true love is a dying thing. You tell everyone you love them the words lose there meaning. Its meant for people who feel really strong about each other and want to express that actual love. 
  3. Don't drag guys along. Its horrible and disrespectful. Guys need to be treated with respect too. If you never treat guys with that respect how will they respect you? If you don't want to be friends/date this guy THEN BREAK IT OFF. Don't talk to him anymore. He'll be hurt but he'll move on and forget about what you had. 
  4. If you don't want to talk to this guy, Don't Reply. I know a ton of girls that say "Eww its him. Why is he texting me? Why can't he just leave me alone?" Well if you reply to him and give him an opportunity  to talk to you then he'll keep doing it over and over. If you don't reply he'll get the hint. 
  5. Don't get caught up on a guy. 13 guys have left me out cold. They just got up and walked out of my life. I decided instead of wishing they'd come back I would move onto another guy that wouldn't walk away. If a guy walks out on you give up
  6. And Finally, give all guys a chance. Most of the time those good wholesome boys you want to date but you fear you'll never find are right under your nose. They think that you wouldn't like them and so they never ask. You don't give them that chance to be open to a relationship. Don't go for the jerks and rebels because you think they'll turn out to be sweet. 98.9% of the time those guys are just what they look like JERKS. So if you want to be treated like crap go out with him. Give the Good Guys a chance.
Okay well there is my rant :) Girls PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to follow my advice.
TiffanyTheStrange <3

Friday, August 24, 2012

New Entry

Well as you can tell by now I never ever ever use my blog 
account anymore. Probably because I have no idea what to type
and also because I just forget to write stuff on here. SOOOOO from now 
on I promise I will type on here more. 

The inspiration came from a book called Generation Dead. Its a SUPER good book 
that I'm totally into right now. Its about a bunch of dead teenagers that come back 
to life after they die and nobody knows why. Well there is this girl named Phoebe and she
falls in love with one of the more able bodied zomies named Tommy. Tommy has a 
blog that he writes on every single night called Its soooo 
funny and I totally love how he writes and everyone all over the world reads his blog
and thoughts on life and everyone is able to connect with him. So I'm hoping 
*crosses fingers* that I might be able to write AWESOME blogs like Tommy instead
of being lame like I have been the last little while :) 

Thanks for Reading and I'll keep on blogging >:D 

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Ok I lied there are no bubbles. Except the ones in my heart that are they only things keeping me going. My bubbles make my heart lighter and not so heavy. "MY BUBBLES!!!!!" >:D

Anyways I'm super bored and I thought I should type a list of my favorite songs and parts of some of them (maybe) I love music. Music= Life.

1. I Was Born To Love You by Freddie Mercury aka my hero
"I was born to love you. With every single beat of my heart. Yes I was born to take care of you. Every single day of my life. You are the one for me I am the man for you. You were made for me or my estacy. If I was givin every oppertunity I'd kill for your love. So take a chance with me let me romance with you I'm caught in a dream and my dreams come true its so hard to believe that this has happened to me. Its an Ama-Zin feelin' comin' through. I was born to love you with every single beat of my heart.  Yeah I was born to take care of you hunny every single day of my life. I wanna love you I love every little thing about you I wanna love you love you love you born to love you born to love you yes I was born to love you every single day of my life.*guitar*"

2. Love Of My Life by Queen (Freddie is the lead singer)
"Love of my life you've hurt me. You've broken my heart and now you leave me. Love of my life can't you see? bring it back bring it back don't take it away from me. Because you don't know what it means to me. Love of my life don't leave me you've taken my life and now desert me love of my life can't you see? Bring it back bring it back don't take it away from me because you don't know what it means to me. You will remember when this is blown over and everything is all by the way. When I grow older I will be there at your side to remind you how I still love you. I still Love you."
3. I'll Be There For You by Bon Jovi

4. Smile by Nat King Cole (I adore this song and sing it when myself or my friends are depressed)
"Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though its breaking though there are clouds in the sky you'll get by if you smile through your fears and sorrows smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see the light come shining through for you. Light up your face with gladness hide every trace of sadness although a tear maybe ever so near that's the time you must keep on trying. Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worth while if you just SMILE."

5. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance

6. Love Sick by Never Shout Never
"Dear I wrote you a song despite the fact you did me wrong. And dear I don't know what the hell is going on with you, But something aint right. You tell me that you love me then you go and leave me why'd you do this to me? Baby I'm lovesick. I just can't eat just can't sleep can't do much of anything at all. Cuz I'm sick and in love with you dear."

7. Til I Hear You Sing from Love Never Dies
"The day starts the day ends time runs dry. At night still i'm pacing the floor the moments creep yet I can't bear to sleep. Till I hear you sing. And weeks pass and months pass seasons fly still you don't walk through that door and in a haze I count the silent days till I hear you sing once more. "

8. Look through Heaven's Eyes from Prince of Egypt

9.Take Me Baby or Leave Me Glee version

10. Fight The Bad Feelings by T-Max (its all in Korean but I LOVE it. I made it my ringtone on my phone too.)

11. If you can dream from the Dinsey Princess sing along songs dvd

12. Please dont go by Mike Posner

13. The Other side of the door by Taylor Swift
"I said leave but baby all I want is you to stand outside my window throwing pebbles screaming I'm in love with you. Wait there in the pouring rain. Come back for more and dont you leave cuz I know all I need is on the other side of the door."

14. In Pieces by Foreginer
"Here I am in this place again its not where I wanna be with you. Seems like we've been here a thousand times now its seems we've crossed a line dont know how we'll make it through. The more it hurts the more it seems so clear. I'm asking you where do we go from here? In Pieces I see our love scattered all around in pieces a broken heart shattered on the ground and all the dreams we could've shared are torn up like we've never cared in pieces. In pieces."

15. Stronger Kelly Clarkson

16. Sara Smiles by Panic at the Disco

17. One Regret by Panic at the Disco

18. Rainbow Veins by Owl City
"Cheer up and dry your damp eyes and tell me when it rains and I'll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins. Cuz your eyes have a lack of color and we should have known that we'd grow up sooner or later cuz we wasted all our free time alone."

19. Can't Breathe Fefe Dobson

20. Heart of Gold Ashlee Huff

21. All I Could Do Was Cry by ETTA JAMES!!!

22. My lucky number and a song I absoultely adore - Move Along by All American Rejects 

Taking words and making a poem

dry throat my hands conclude generous hands under lace long heat. The quiet moment that stops death. Strange, shining, sinews, resonant, new food has like savage air of will and back out vaulting the free through prayer whistling sounding now murmuring simple bright darkened and my road the with its this I a roof in this and it my place insides time spores the terrace of the edge as the loaf light down into the sigh.

Inventing Smiling in Dark Places

If I could feel happy but the depression Form the heart of the soul, I would knowsmiles.
About the terrific feeling the sheer joyfulness. If only I were dead by this was a scheme where an immortal life begins and a courrup soul shatters instantly as a blooming flower. If I could only live but cannot fathom I would knkow about the rising sun and I could smell the swee roses and the blood of my sweetheart the killer My soul was alone with corruption, disaster, distruction. In a hazed confusion and the cyborg vampires. I could fill my heart disires with dispare. And keep my tears among the dead arires of the live, among the living of their grotesque beings. I could fly to Hades in my dreams and converse with the devil with firey eyes in the darkness. The depressing anger between my soul I could scream the heart break who always hurts me. About flowersespecially in midnight bloom with its petals falling so bloody roses-drop. Across the sky to get the everlasting light design. If I could shatter the stupid skulls that torment, torture, destroy, I would break what connections bind; To this terrible love, I would stop dark places smiling from within-like the darkness smiles break off the depressing anger or the monsters follow, that beating heart, swiftly and distroy it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Final project?? O.O

Heyy my amazing followers!! Sooooo I need help and ideas for my final creative writing project ^^'
You all know me! (I  hope) and know that I myself am creative but I need alot of help getting ideas.

My Options are:

1000 word story (that's the one i want to do but I dont know what to write about)

I could do flash fictions

Letters to people


Write a song

A one act play

I could write a story about each letter of the alphabet

or anything really!!

If you have any ideas or suggestions let me know!! :)