Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You're Stuck

You’re Stuck

By Tiffany Gephart


It starts out with a girl.

A lone girl minding her own business.

Not a single care in the world.

She hides behind her timid nature making you wonder what she is afraid of.


She slowly stands up from her lone place on the bank of a river.

Her long blonde hair flowing down to her waist her long white dress billows in the wind.

She tilts her head up to see the threatening clouds above a quick flash of lightning sends her body ridged.


She lets out a silent scream in the darkness.

Her eyes wide and all white.

No pupils.

She turns her head quickly to the left to stare at you.


Her eyes are no longer pure but now the color of death as she steps towards you.

You can see the threat in her body language.

Everything in your mind tells you to run but you are glued to the cold dirt ground.


She grows not in size but in your mind she is now ten feet tall.

She gets closer her hair grows longer and she bows her head down towards her chest.

The frame of this girl shudders and fur grows all over her body.

She twitches again, and suddenly there is a killer bear in front of you.

Taunting you dancing around you and teasing you to run, but you can’t you’re stuck.


The bear looks at you with the eyes of pure terror.

Run puny thing you can’t escape from me.  The beast says to your mind.

But you just look at it defiantly as if to say “Come get me.

You still can’t move as you feel the teeth bite into your flesh slowly taking you over as you submit to the torture.

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