Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Best Poem I've written in a while: Infatuation Blur

You're made for me, I'm made for you,
We fit together, We're the perfect two,
You're not him, and I'm not her,
Always living in a blur,
We stick together to pass the time,
But I'm not yours and your not mine.
You say you love me, He wants me back,
That love is one thing that he does lack.
He loves her, She loves him,
Its the perfect kind of sin.
"I love you back" I say to you
All you say is "she treated me like poo"
I'm not her, she immitates me,
But to everyone else she is we.
He thinks I'm her, Thats why he loves,
He wants me in a white dress, a church, with doves,
She loves him, and him, not him,
All she ever does is sin.
So we're the perfect two, If you became him
And I became her,
But until then we're lost in the infatuation blur.

1 comment:

  1. I love the rhythm and the rhyme to this poem. I also like the practicality and sensibility of the writing itself. Not only does it rhyme well and sound nice, but it makes sense, too
