Thursday, January 10, 2013

Interview with my close friend

My closet friend and everything. One who doesn't show how much he hurts. We talked about movies we need to see and we talked about our days and our scars. We talked of Benjamin Button, and Youtube videos about shoulder angels. We talked about our dreams and about futures. He says he's got a scar on the back of his hand but I know there's a scar on his heart. I'm the only one who can see it but I know its there it always shows. I heard him talk about things that may seem nonsence to anyone but me. We speak our own language and know it fluently. I know he's leaving in a couple years and so am I to do different things. But I promise I'll write him everyday and make sure he's happy where he is. I'll get to hear his funny stories about companions, new cities, and God. I hope that day never comes because I love to see his eyes. 

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