Monday, October 15, 2012

Moon go away I don't love you no more

Fire can give me wings courage, compassion, and devotion.


Love is as frightening as death.

It chills me to the bones.

It makes your heart feel warm but when its gone it leaves you as cold as the last breath leaving your body.

The death feels like a sigh of the ear and the taste of the loss is bitter and salty.

Love like the love from Derrick Eli from Riverside, California. He made my love grow cold and made my heart whither.

The Loss tastes sweet.

Like candy that has been left in your car for months.

The flames danced around my soul sending me rising higher than the smoke.

It was totally awesome, watching the reds, yellows, oranges, browns, the embers of the remaining sins because fire makes you clean.

“Fire can give me wings courage, compassion, and devotion. Fire is obstinate and heady and absolutely not subtle. It is seen as the force burning inside us, the passion to do it with all of ourselves, resulting in the honor and freedom to do it without back stabbing and with an open face.”

The wonderful  ceiling of lust.

Love is as joyful as the plague.

Derrick sucked the soul out.

Tiffy Bear could not survive.

Tomorrow the seplecure will shatter to pieces freeing the spirit trapped inside.

The army of barbies and headless army men.

The spirit will explode with a  loud ringing of plants.

Eir macht ein an.

Even the sky mourns this loss.

Love is frightening as death for the winter holds no love for those who have none to give.




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