Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Final Project

Final Project!
I. Portfollio: Most of my favorite works I put up on my blog already so you can read them.
1. Infatuaion Blur- I adored this poem and it basically describes my life right now
2. You're Stuck- It was a creepy Halloween poem that almost gave me nightmares!
3. My Fanfiction for Phantom of the Opera- I'm absolutely obsessed with it so I wrote about it
 Christine stared at both the men she loved. The Phantom, the one who took her love and gave her a future of darkness with a good career the one whose music made her soul take flight the one that she knew needed and couldn't live without her. She looked at the other man, Raoul, Her childhood sweetheart. The man who was filthy rich and could save her and provide for her and her baby. "You try your patiece. Make your choice." The Phantom growled at her with pain in his eyes. Raoul had a noose around his neck and his hands were tied to the gate behind him. Everything was up to Christine. Now was the moment. Who would she choose? She knew, She'd always known. SInce the moment Raoul walked into her life again everything had gone downhill quickly. She took a couple steps towards the Phantom. "Pitiful creature of darkness, What sort of life have you known? God give me courage to show you. You are not alone." And just like that she chose the Phantom. Her Angel of Music, the man who was obsessed with her and the one who would worship her forever. She didn't know how to make it work, but she would make it. when it came to him she'd always make it. She lived to please him. Their lips met. They gave into their passion. The kiss deepened and she could literally hear a crescendo in her mind as they got closer and closer. They pulled apart gasping for breath, tears still streaming down both faces. They looked into each others eyes. "Go now! Go now and leave me!" the Phantom yelled at her. She quickly untied the noose from Raoul's neck and helped him regain himself and led him gentlely to the boat as the Phantom continued to rant. "Raoul I must stay. Go on without me. I must do this. You've been a good friend. Don't search for me. I want this. I want him." She kissed his cheek in a final good bye gesture.  The phantom sat quietly on his bed in his room playing with his childhood music box and what he considered his only friend. He sang a long to the sad song about hiding your face from the world. He sat quietly after she came and sat by him. She took his hand and held it to her chest. "We must leave quickly." They found the secret tunnel through the broken mirror and escaped into the darkness, Together. Making music as they left.
4. My Fanfiction about Zero and Ichiru from Vampire Knight (part of my NaNoWriMo)
5. Substitute rapid write- I'll type this one out.
 I'm just a substitute for love. Nobdoy actually cares. I'm just the place holder to bigger, better, more exciting things. Guys use me because I'm just like her, She's a copy of me. I'm the original but the substitute yet the same. Nobody really cares about "how is your day" or "what are you doing" they just want me to have to complain about the substitute of me.
6. Kelp
 The place its most easy to lose myself is in my mind. Especially when I listen to music. Its a dark screen at first with the instrumental part. It starts. There's a breath and a melodious voice starts whispering in your ear telling, revealing, their innermost thoughts and wishes pleading for empathy and sympathy the dark screen shifts with everynew word. A new color appears splashes of orange, red, green, purple, the first chorus hits and a spark starts and builds into explotions of mixed emotions. With every word memories mis with the singers and they intwine perfectly like yin and yang. The riseand the falls make the air flow in and out of my lungswarm, happy, pleasure runs through my body like a sugar rush and when the song ends I poen my eyes to the real world. I replay the song close my eyes and I disappear to lose myself in my mind again.
7. Intoxication Rapid write-
We sat on the couch bewildered by the movie playing on the screen. I don't know if he caught me staring at him. Him with his brown hair with the little random curls, his green iris with shiny yellow around his pupils. I watched his body keep shifting with every conversation. I'm still mad at him. He lied to my face and made me vry over him, but that lingering hug as he squeezed tighter when I pulled away, those big strong arms that hold me perfectly. The sweet intoxication laced in it,made a rocket blast off into my heart.
8. Figurine Rapid Write-
 One pen alone forever in a box. That's not the fate for me I don't want my family and friends staring at my cold unearthly carcus. I want to be melted or have my body run out of ink and fall off a cliff. Just toss mein the garbage like I deserve don't let everyone look at the shame of the wite where my ink used to be. don't let anyone see what i'm always trying to hide. i'm running out so decide what you'll do with me now; just don't use a box.
9. Taylor's letter to me-
It was last Saturday Night at a dance in Layton. You'd just walked in looking like and angel in black with red streaks in your hair. I have a girlfriend, but I was so smitten with you I thought we should dance I spun you aroud a lot and watched as your body moved towards me. I found out alot about you. You liked that I wore all white and you thought I was interesting wearing a purple bowtie and suspenders. Tiffany and Taylor, T and T, later you met my girlfriend. I could see the hurt in your eyes and I just wanted to carress you and make the world disappear. You were dared to get my number but I never texted you back becaue I have a girlfriend. Forgive me my black angel who shined brighter than the disco ball. My Tiffany I'll find you. -Taylor
10. It starts now word scramble-
Starts now. under the arch of bright light that heat darkened my tight throat of the prayer this sigh with final breath this my wildest sounding death and as new murmering spores the gererous hands rioting my time moving quiet will resonant, the long road its strange savage air insider our quick moment into that peaked edge whistling through the place to the shining bubbles free into the hands softly to conclude it stops.

II. Last Writing for Class

I always hurt
the blood drips from
the bloddy wrists and the
knives that cut them.
People are full of pain.
Giving it and receiving it.
Everybody does both at one point in time.
Some people are just rotten to the core.
They don't care who they hurt they just want
their own personal pain to end.
Some boys toy with your heart then
leave the first chance they get. 
Some girls do the same then
talk trash.
Some guys are sweet but hide
Some girls are too shy
so they go after all the wrong guys.
We're all just living in a world of pain.

III. Reflections

This year was a great year for writing. I've never thought about things a certain way and now I see things from a new perspective. I love this class and I'm very glad that I took it for a second time. I also learned how  much better my writing is when I'm only thinking about it and nothing else and how when I get inspiration stop what I'm doing and start writing it down or I lose it. Plus I've decided to write what I feel and not care what anybody else things about my writing. I'm proud of it the way I wrote it. They didn't so they can't complain. I'm glad I have had to many opportunities to write like I have and blog I will continue you!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Interview with my close friend

My closet friend and everything. One who doesn't show how much he hurts. We talked about movies we need to see and we talked about our days and our scars. We talked of Benjamin Button, and Youtube videos about shoulder angels. We talked about our dreams and about futures. He says he's got a scar on the back of his hand but I know there's a scar on his heart. I'm the only one who can see it but I know its there it always shows. I heard him talk about things that may seem nonsence to anyone but me. We speak our own language and know it fluently. I know he's leaving in a couple years and so am I to do different things. But I promise I'll write him everyday and make sure he's happy where he is. I'll get to hear his funny stories about companions, new cities, and God. I hope that day never comes because I love to see his eyes. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Best Poem I've written in a while: Infatuation Blur

You're made for me, I'm made for you,
We fit together, We're the perfect two,
You're not him, and I'm not her,
Always living in a blur,
We stick together to pass the time,
But I'm not yours and your not mine.
You say you love me, He wants me back,
That love is one thing that he does lack.
He loves her, She loves him,
Its the perfect kind of sin.
"I love you back" I say to you
All you say is "she treated me like poo"
I'm not her, she immitates me,
But to everyone else she is we.
He thinks I'm her, Thats why he loves,
He wants me in a white dress, a church, with doves,
She loves him, and him, not him,
All she ever does is sin.
So we're the perfect two, If you became him
And I became her,
But until then we're lost in the infatuation blur.