Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Loss of Parents as trees

Life is like a surprize you never now when it will end so you can never actually say goodbye.
Lillys last words to her parents were "I'm sure I'll be fine so stop prying!" and a week later her parents were crying over her casket like weeping willow trees with long branches that dangle and seem to reach out and grab you when you walk under them.
 Mike the crazy dare devil whos friends and parents tried to stop him from makeing the best jump ever then watching in horror as he jumped from the plane and his paracute wouldn't open. His parents were like dead trees no leaves no feelings and just there.
Maren, who's disease comsumed her and her parents loved and supported her every step of the way until the day she died the parents of she were like infected trees they thought it was tragic and they left a piece of her poision with them.
Ethan who was shot in a dark ally way for trying to save the money for his girlfriends engagement ring. His parents were lost and couldn't be found anywhere they had disappeared like the trees in the land of narnia.
All of these parents loved their children as any parents would. And all of the children all died at the age of 21 they will always be the children of trees.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What movie would you like to see made?

What movie would I like to see hit the theaters? FABLEHAVEN! Those books were so good and I became addicted to them. My best friends backyard would be perfect for it. She has a ton of dragonflies and its like a forest just like the book. I want to see some of the mosters made real too because I want to see if they are anything like I pictured the they would be.

What's your favorite card game?

My favorite card game is Freecell. I am so addicted to freecell I had to get a portable one. For me its just amazing and it makes my mind work to solve it. I play alot of the other card games too like Speed, Poker, Hearts, and Spider Solitare. But nothing compares in my book to freecell. I went on vacation to California during the first week of Augest and in the hotel all I would do is sit on my dad's laptop in the 115 degree heat and play freecell.

What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is black. It suits me. I love the darkness. It makes me feel so safe and I can't sleep at night unless its pitch black. I was talking to my Aunt Michelle once and she told me that "Black means Elegance, so no matter what other people think of your favorite color it will mean elegance to you and I." Other people think it means mystery or think of evil. But I think of soft, and comforting like a warm blanket after a cold rainy day, or  how the Phantom (in my favorite musical/play/movie Phantom of the Opera) sings the song "Music of the Night" in that song he talks about how "darkness wakes and stirs imagination, it heightens each sensation" and I know that is true for me and that's why I love the color Black.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Where I'm From

I am from Mouse. From DELL.
I am from meek, small, silent, soft to the touch.
I am from Chrisanthemums the gorgous
I am from Christmas Nights, and California vacations, from Dixie and Keaton and Rose.
I am from the Anger  Management and loveless.
From "Remember who you are and what you stand for" and the "If you chance to meet a frown.." song.
I am from Mormonism and Proud to be.
I am from Logan, Germany, England, and Pioneers, from cookies and crab cassorole.
From the time we went to Yellowstone and my brother made a new friend in me, the mountain air, and the wonderful scenery I'll dream of till I die.
I am from YellowStone, California, Disneyland, and a place where I have grown to know everyone by name and a place where I can be free.