Thursday, March 21, 2013

Venting poem

My body is an object,
Its all it will ever be.
Nobody loves just an object
That’s why nobody loves me.

You may be confused,
So let me explain,
You look confused
So I’ll show you the terrain.

Love is a game of give and of take
Lust is a sin and a big mistake

Don’t sell your heart
Listen to its advice
The heart knows best
It knows nothing of nice

If you listen to others
You’ll get in trouble
If you keep listening
Your fault will double.

Listen to the heart it knows best
Listen to your feelings and you’ll get stressed.

Can you hear me clearly
Boys are very needy
They don’t think too clearly
It will make them greedy.

My body is an object
Its all it will ever be
Nobody loves an object
And soon you will see.

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