Saturday, February 1, 2014



I'm so sorry to that one person that will actually look at this. Lots of busy things have happened since May. I have written some what so I will post that right now. I got second place for that writing contest I entered in May and I was severely disappointed. I'm entering it again this month and I will write a KICK BUTT poem! I'm supposed to be finding a song for my scholarship audition due today, plus I'm trying to get things done for EHS. So much to do but since I have a migraine again (I've had one continually for the last 5 or so days) plus I was working at my job all night I just don't have the energy. :P

So I wrote this a while ago

Scars of the unkowning,
Unloving truth,
They echo in the heart of the aching one,
The broken one,
The one who can't move on,
The one who can't go back.
These scars of the painful agony coursing through
The heart of the blood and water.
The cross of life upon the broken one's back
It gets heavier and hard to bear
It gets harder to breathe
They must stand alone in the final hour.

Deep right? :P

I wrote this one in May because of a certain guy that broke my heart then flaunted new love in front of me.

Stupid Boy.
Stop Playing.
My Heart.
Thump Thump.
It Stops.
No More.
The Love.
Once Gave.
Now Lost.
Stupid Boy.
No Compassion.
No Thought.
For Me.
No More.
Can't Think.
No Me.
Or You.
No Us.
Can't Stop.
Thump Thump.
Holding Her.
Not Me.
No More.
Stupid Boy.

A Poem For MY LOVE Josh Maloy

If you're ever in trouble
I'll be there
I am the circle to your square.
You treat me right there is no doubt,
You never will ever have to pout.
For in you I have my greatest treasure,
For in you heart is my deepest pleasure,
Knowing you my best friend,
is like eternity it does not end.
So I wrote this poem to you, my friend, my love, my walrus, my Maloy.

So there's my stuff from 2013 (I wrote alot more but I can't find it)

I'm totally obsessing over sonnets lately so I will post all of them and finish my To This Day poem too!