Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rant on Girls

Okay so I really just want to rant about girls.
So I am a girl (if you can't already tell) and I love girls, but sometimes we can be so freaking stupid.
Here are some rules girls and guys can follow them too

  1. Don't post on your boyfriends facebook page every single stinkin' day. Its annoying for everyone else to see your PDA. I don't want to log in and see "Happy Afternoon Boo!! I haven't talked to you in like 4 minutes and I wanted to just say I loooove youuu and I can't wait to see you in a couple minutes blah blah blah" and then get on an hour later "Oh i'm with my baby I love him so much I can't stand life without him and I need him so bad...." GET OVER IT! Tell him you love him IN PRIVATE. I'm sick of gagging about you.
  2. Next thing STOP USING THE WORDS "I LOVE YOU" every single minute. There is a reason true love is a dying thing. You tell everyone you love them the words lose there meaning. Its meant for people who feel really strong about each other and want to express that actual love. 
  3. Don't drag guys along. Its horrible and disrespectful. Guys need to be treated with respect too. If you never treat guys with that respect how will they respect you? If you don't want to be friends/date this guy THEN BREAK IT OFF. Don't talk to him anymore. He'll be hurt but he'll move on and forget about what you had. 
  4. If you don't want to talk to this guy, Don't Reply. I know a ton of girls that say "Eww its him. Why is he texting me? Why can't he just leave me alone?" Well if you reply to him and give him an opportunity  to talk to you then he'll keep doing it over and over. If you don't reply he'll get the hint. 
  5. Don't get caught up on a guy. 13 guys have left me out cold. They just got up and walked out of my life. I decided instead of wishing they'd come back I would move onto another guy that wouldn't walk away. If a guy walks out on you give up
  6. And Finally, give all guys a chance. Most of the time those good wholesome boys you want to date but you fear you'll never find are right under your nose. They think that you wouldn't like them and so they never ask. You don't give them that chance to be open to a relationship. Don't go for the jerks and rebels because you think they'll turn out to be sweet. 98.9% of the time those guys are just what they look like JERKS. So if you want to be treated like crap go out with him. Give the Good Guys a chance.
Okay well there is my rant :) Girls PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to follow my advice.
TiffanyTheStrange <3