Friday, August 24, 2012

New Entry

Well as you can tell by now I never ever ever use my blog 
account anymore. Probably because I have no idea what to type
and also because I just forget to write stuff on here. SOOOOO from now 
on I promise I will type on here more. 

The inspiration came from a book called Generation Dead. Its a SUPER good book 
that I'm totally into right now. Its about a bunch of dead teenagers that come back 
to life after they die and nobody knows why. Well there is this girl named Phoebe and she
falls in love with one of the more able bodied zomies named Tommy. Tommy has a 
blog that he writes on every single night called Its soooo 
funny and I totally love how he writes and everyone all over the world reads his blog
and thoughts on life and everyone is able to connect with him. So I'm hoping 
*crosses fingers* that I might be able to write AWESOME blogs like Tommy instead
of being lame like I have been the last little while :) 

Thanks for Reading and I'll keep on blogging >:D